Thursday, May 31, 2007

Still feeling (relatively) good

I'm still feeling pretty well today. For me, right now, that means I was able to take kids to school, put dishes in the dishwasher, take the dog for a short walk, feed my animals and shower without having to nap. My pain level is also pretty good. My chest is not at all painful and my hips are only about a 2 or 3. Its 1:00PM and I still haven't needed to nap, but I will after writing this post.

Hubby is due back from North Africa tomorrow. Hooray! I miss him.

I had a pleasant surprise yesterday. When I went out to feed my goats, I found one of our hens had hatched ten little chicks. I was so excited! I hadn't even realized that one of our hens was nesting. Modern chickens have had the broodiness bred out of them and so you normally can't get them to sit on a nest for the month. I do love baby animals. I spent a nice chunk of the morning just watching them. I have to keep an eye on the dog tho', cause she'll think the chicks are nuggets with feet.

The woods are beautiful and inviting and I keep reading through my backpacker mags. I miss hiking soooo much.


Bryan Alexander said...

Huzzah! for feeling better.

At JFK now. Back home soon. Miss you.

your friend the nurse said...

The chicks are real sweeties. Grab hubband's camera and post them for the masses! Blessings abound!