Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cold snap

Its been pretty cold this week. This morning we had that beautiful clear sunshine that I treasure. When its this cold, the snow is pretty dry and it drifts off the trees and gets thrown into the air by the wind. I'm suddenly reminded that I'm living in Robert Frost country. For a very short time, when the sun is at the exact right angle in the morning, it all turns to gold.

Unfortunately I haven't been feeling as well as I was last month. I've been stiff and cranky in the mornings (Okay, not just mornings) and my walks have begun to take more effort. I did go x-country skiing with my son's class on Monday, but I was more tired than usual. I also had trouble with my right knee, it was so stiff as to make skiing difficult. It really wouldn't bend--to the point where one of the instructors noticed and asked if I had a bad knee.


I worry about being able to do my hike when I'm feeling less than terrific, but I was able to do some hiking last summer even though I felt positively cruddy. I just went slowly and packed light. I just keep telling myself that I will do it in my own time and my own way. If necessary, I can do it as a series of day hikes one weekend at a time.

The whole Long Trail hike is a metaphore for my recovery from Lyme. I'm not going to put my whole life on hold while waiting for a miracle that may never come. I'll just keep putting one foot in front of the other 'till I get where I'm going.

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